Saturday, January 4, 2014

The "Rory Gilmore Complex"

     Anyone who has ever seen an episode of Gilmore Girls knows that Rory Gilmore is the walking definition of a bookworm. That being said, I believe that she is the individual that all readers should aspire to be, and that I aspire to be myself. 

     I however do not share the dedication to reading that Miss Gilmore possesses. I procrastinate, I go on tumblr, I watch episodes of Gilmore Girls feeling envious that a girl my age can read as much as Rory reads. I do however want to have this dedication and "Rory Gilmore Complex".

     My shelves are filled to the brim with unread books that I have collected throughout the years at book stores and library sales, and this accumulation is only getting bigger. It's like an addiction without the payoff of the high, and each book is kept around for a rainy day, but it's like I live in a desert. Analogies are hard, okay? So what should I do? How do I beat this drought and greet the storm? 

I embrace my inner Rory Gilmore, 
and I READ.

      But reading isn't always that simple. You get bored, you'd rather be doing other things, there's a Gilmore Girls marathon on ABC Family that looks very appealing. 

     Here are a few ways I think could help anyone read more books per year:

1. Audio books can be your best friend. 
2. Read during breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
3. Read at school when you're in between classes.
4. Set reading goals.
5. If you're not doing anything --- READ.

     If you still need inspiration to help you achieve the "Rory Gilmore Complex" click here and read this article that lists additional ways to start reading more.

     Finally, to wrap this all up I'd like to introduce the "Rory Gilmore Book Challenge". I've undertaken it, and have the book list printed out and plastered on my bedroom wall as a reminder. Click here to check it out.

Happy reading!

1 comment:

  1. Well done.. cannot wait to READ the wed. Blog


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