Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Esther's Book Release Party

     Esther Earl was and still is an amazing human being, and every time I think of her I am saddened by the realization I was never able to meet her in person. However, after attending her book release party in Massachusetts, I was able to make the realization that I actually did know her.

     As I had mentioned in my previous blog post, for those of you who have no idea who I am talking about, Esther was a girl who sadly passed away a few years ago from cancer and now is a published author. At her book release party last weekend I was lucky enough to celebrate her life through book readings, and video showings, and live wizard rock performances alongside many other individuals who knew Esther the way I knew Esther.

     We knew her from online. She wasn’t just the girl with cancer; she was the funny, witty presence who posted video blogs on YouTube. She was the inspiration for John Green’s creation of Esther Day (August 3rd), a day to celebrate love and to tell the people in your life how much you care about them. Esther Earl truly touched the hearts of many, and with the publication of This Star Won’t Go Out I am certain that she will touch the hearts of many more.

     During the book release party Esther’s sisters read an excerpt of an email Esther had sent to her future self which really stuck with me. She asked herself many questions such as “are you still a nerdfighter?”, “still a fan of harry potter?”, and “how are your cats?”. But what truly stuck with me is the following quote:

"Just be happy. And if you can’t be happy,
do things that make you happy.
Or do nothing with people that make you happy."

     I believe that those are words to live by, and that Esther was a girl who truly understood how to achieve happiness. I look forward to reading the rest of her book.

Rest in awesome, Esther. And DFTBA.

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